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well hello there ........

...Watch out for the worms... :)
Hello and welcome to Pink Beetle . com
Where me... Miss pink beetle, will lure you into my world. Yes the world of what is like to be a pink beetle fan! i'll express to the world my loves and hates.
i'm opening a big can of worms....lets hope they dont take over the world!!!!

i miss you hunny. i never realised how much you meant to me as a friend until now. I've been thinking about allot of stuff recently and i realised that i seem to have mislaid a very good friend of mine! thats you hunny. I used to love our chats and our late night drives. I miss them and i miss you, whatever i have done to make you hate me then i'm sorry. call me if you read this and miss me too. I'm trying dave, i miss you and i'm sorry.

This link will take you into the world of music guided by miss beki... remember she's always right :)

This years love . com.


Check out my new friends page's click the pic to go to the page....
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This is a link to my funky lil pals website... its wonderful...just like her :)
Scon's magical place