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This is the place.... Where i will tell you all the bands that are fab and give you the power to enter them into your lives and reveal to the world their true beauty...

Muse are a wonderful little band. one of my favourates. Their album Showbiz cheers me up no end. i dont think anyone will ever forget the poignant lyrics of unintended.
My hero, Michael Stipe. The melodic sound of Rem's Nightswimming will keep the world with water (no hosepipe bans this year)
Although Rem have been around since before i was even born their music still lives on in our hearts. They continue to produce wonderful and memorable tunes.

Kent, a mainly unheard of band, however foreign they appear they still sing in good old english, doesn't everyone? Their album Isola never made the charts in good old brittania but nevertheless they are still amazing.
Sigur Ros
Sigur Ros, crept out of iceland and into my heart. Their album, which i cant pronounce, known to me as the fetus album (as it has a foetus on the front) Is great. Although not sung in english you can still feel the emotions and discover you own meanings to the songs. Beautiful.

Bush. Fronted by the lovely Gavin (unfortunately married to Gwen Stefani, lead singer of No Doubt), with his cobain like charm really makes their album Razorblade Suitcase wonderful. i do admit they are a bit like a nirvana tribute, but bless them they do a great job.
I first saw this band when they were really small in the louisiana in bristol. who would have known they would become what they have. Perhaps its because of the gorgeous bassist, or is it just the lyrical genius? who knows but they really are fab. Their debut album JJ72 will stay in our cd players for at least three weeks!
Embrace, Numerous amout of albums and singles but the one that sticks out to me is Fireworks It still brings tears to my eyes when i hear the first chords. Fireworks EP was my first ever Embrace purchase, and it wasn't my last.