Royston Vasey
  Take me home baby.... | Muzic | Radiohead.... | My Pink Beetle... | Those little things.... | League of gentlemen... | Trigger happy tv... | Groovy pics | Friends | friends 2... | GuestBook  | E-mail me... | Links to other fab sites  

You'll never leave.....
Welcome to the wonderful town deep in an unknown valley.... a town called Royston Vasey. Its a close knit town in which they share among friends...if you know what i mean... The sky is always gray and there is always plenty of the special stuff to go around.

  The Stars The league of gentlemen is made up of Steve Pemberson, Mark Gattis and Reece Smith. Three comical genius'. however how could we forget the brain behind the picture.... Jeremy Dyson.
Genius...pure genius

  Tubbs and Edward These two are the best known characters from the programme. With their loal shop for local people and their son kept up in the attic who couldn't love their "local" ways....

  Overall the leauge of gentlemen is the best thing since sliced bread. With the weird and wacky humor i never know whether to sream, cry or laugh.
So there we are....
Be sure to check out the links page and see some websites dedicated to this wonderful geniusness :)