Those little things...
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Now then... here is the place where i will declare to the world all the things that really get on my nerves.... oh if you have anything to add please e-mail me your suggestions.

NO. 1 when your digestive that you are dunking breaks and sinks to the bottom of your coffee cup.

NO. 2 Those women who stand in the street and pretend they aren't selling anything but really they are convincing you to buy a insurance policy.

NO. 3 Supermarket trolleys that never go in a straight line.

NO. 4 When you have tobacco, filter tips, lighter but no RIZLA'S! and you are in the middle of no-where! (happens to me all the time)

NO. 5 When one sits on chewing gum, i mean who the hell puts it there???

NO. 6 kissing couples! dont you just hate them!

NO. 7 Jumping cd's. you put your favourate cd in the player and it gets to the same point them all you get is and, and, and, and, and, and, get the picture!

NO. 8 People who correct my spelling mistakes. (sorry dadda!)

NO. 9 Marmite. it really does tastle disgusting, yuck yuck yuck yuck yuck yuck yuck (get the picture?)

Click the faerie ubove to enter neopia, oh and tell them who sent you....